The Ultimate Laser Protocol

TULIP = T.U.L.P. = The Ultimate Laser Protocol = Laser+PQQ+CoQ10 = Enhanced Mitochondria/ATP = Transformed Life

TULIP is a stack that aims to produce higher performance in all cognitive levels by improving Mitochondria, (the energy factories of the cells), ATP production and increased neurogenesis & extended axonal branching. Lostfalco, a member of Longecity.org in this forum TOPIC, thought up TULIP.

The core of the Protocol of TULIP is:
1.      Laser/LED’s (LLLT/Photobiomodulation): more efficient ATP production, neurogenesis, and extended axonal branching.
2.      PQQ: more & better mitochondria.
3.      CoQ10: more & better mitochondrial output.
See HERE for a log of Lostfalco’s experiences with TULIP. In addition, HERE is the link for the birth post of TULIP if you want to read up on it from the beginning. HERE is another Article from SelfHacked.com on LLLT.
“The number one thing is speed. My thoughts are just lightning fast...way faster than they've ever been. The most interesting thing about it to me is that it's that way all the time. It's not like I dose in the morning and then slow down four hours later. This is part of what I mean when I say I feel changed. This just seems to be how I am now. It makes sense given the proposed effects of PQQ and photobiomodulation. I just have to make sure I get enough calories.” ___________________________________________________________________________

The whole goal is to improve the number and efficiency of, (ie. smaller), Mitochondria for increased ATP synthesis. ATP runs every cell = tissues =organs = YOU! More ATP equals more energy and improved function. The smaller the mitochondria you have the better the improvement and energy/ATP available. Another note is that you have two interacting genomes...mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA). Mitochondria, some individual cells have 1000+, provide the energy and the nucleus tells the energy where to go and what to build, at least the information portion of it. See these videos for a general description of LLLT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBoNl64fZHQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Jek7bLOM4

NOTE TULIP focuses on using Infrared LED array(s) or Laser(s) on your head/skull for improving ATP production in your brain. Yes people, we are shining near infrared light into our heads for cognitive optimization. In addition, YES! There is a lot of science behind this having quite strong and paramount potentials.

Here are the full texts of five human studies (Source of Links Lostfalco):
http://dspace.mit.ed...le/1721.1/58558 (scroll to bottom to download full text pdf of pilot study)
http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2796659/ (non-controlled)

Here are some intriguing resources LLLT:
1. Gonzalez-Lima Summary Article
3. Zawy's page
4. Nattzor's Self-Experiment and Gwern's Analysis

Choosing an Near Infrared Array
808nm Lasers are more common in research literature but 850nm IR LEDs are easier to get and cheaper. This makes it the most commonly used by people doing this protocol. You can find 850nm LED arrays on amazon and eBay relatively cheap. Preferably, look for a unit with power brick included. HERE is a 96 LED array that I use. For someone who would use an 808nm laser, I suggest a Vetrolaser. Yes, it is a bit more costly but it is medical grade and safer* to use then getting a 808nm 200-300mw laser off of eBay and hoping you know what you are doing.

Different wavelengths are noted to have different effects on cognition/cells. Most people will being using 850nm LED arrays and research is showing that LED’s may be more effective over lasers not to mention cheaper and much *safer for home applications. However, they do not penetrate as deeply. I will be referencing them in the majority of the article.
If you get an LED infrared array that is cased you need to remove the glass cover and place the LED array directly on your head. It may get a little warm, but this is nothing to worry about. To answer a commonly asked question, no you do not need to be bald for this to work.

Lasering Provisional Protocol
1.      Laser your whole brain, preferably before bed. Some people prefer not to laser the back of head, where the optic nerve is, due to circadian rhythm concerns (resetting and such). Personally, I feel a little dazed when I shine the LED array on the back of my head. My friend, however, finds it quite uncomfortable.
2.      Begin with 30 seconds per location.
3.      There are 9 individual "regions" on the sides, top, and back of your head; and roughly 5 individual spots on your forehead along the hairline, that need to be aimed for.
4.      Recommended 2 days on/1 day off or every other day. DO NOT use every day.
5.      Total Time: 7 minutes. Try this for 1 to 2 weeks before increasing dose time. (Note: ALL is currently provisional.)

You can also use the LED array on your stomach, (it is great for reliving aches), Thyroid, and Gonads among other parts of the body. Generally, infrared light is good for reveling pain and inflammation. (Different wavelengths have different actions on cells/types of tissue)

Over doing it, using it too long, or trying to MEGA DOSE is a bad idea! Commonly reported problems are; tiredness, increased need for sleep*, and loss of benefits. This is very much like physical exercise, only for your brain, and it is not that hard to overdo it. LLLT is very much a curve response. Benefits peak up to a point then can diminish with furthering the ante. Start with 30 seconds and keep it there for the one or two weeks to see what TULIP can do even at smaller doses. Then increase from there gradually to find your limit and optimal dose and schedule for you.
*whereas appropriate doses typically decrease the need of sleep

Here is an intriguing post by domenic, a longecity user, posted in the Primary TULIP thread. There are many others but this one has a solution* and potential for furthering TULIP and discussion.
*This was his solution, but it may not work for everyone.
“…I have been using the TULIP protocol for 3 weeks now, and have had similar results to other on this thread. However, a week ago I feel asleep while Lasering with a 96 array led. It was only between 3-5 minutes, but it was enough to throw me off for the past week. I was not feeling the benefits of TULIP and felt significant brain fog, even taking every other day off and 5 days off last week. I have been reading Dr. Jack Kruse and realized that possibly I had overdosed in transferring electrons via increase in mitochondria. Dr. Jack Kruse calls this molecular density, which he argues is the cause of several health problems because it does not allow cells to process electrons efficiently and thus fucks up their function.
According to Dr. Kruse, electromagnetic frequencies above the magnetic resonance of the earth, and irregularities in circadian biology caused by the use of artificial light and eating out of season or after dark, are two causes of this molecular density or clogging. His prescription for these, other than reducing out exposure to them is his well known Cold Thermogenesis. Dr. Kruse says that adapting to the cold through dunking yourself in 50-55 F water, has the primary effect of reducing molecular density. Thus, in a cold adapted state your mitochondria process electrons for energy in a vastly more efficient manner. Similar, he says, to the way superconduction works better in supercooled states. So, I had been taking cold showers getting used to the idea of cold adaptation for the past while and finally I worked up the courage for an ice bath.
The past couple of nights using an Ice Bath has completely returned me to baseline and allowed the benefits of TULIP to continue. It has completely eliminated my brain fog and overfilled feeling I had from accidently doing to much laser.
In fact I think cold adaptation might help improve the TULIP protocol because of the way in which cold allows our cells and mitochondria to be much more receptive to electron transfer and become more efficient in general.
Jack Kruse actually has said that there are ways in which out cells can by pass ATP and use solely electron transfer through a pathway called the PPPQ but I don't fully understand his ideas yet.

Sorry if my understanding of Jack Kruse or Biology is lacking I am just beginning to learn this stuff and biology in general

PQQ & CoQ10
1.      Suggested 100-200mg Ubiquinol CoQ10 for best absorption. Both of these can be a bit energizing. J
2.      PQQ suggests that you buy the 20mg capsules and open them to split the powder into 10mg each. It is considerably cheaper this way. Personally, I suggest Swanson’s Vitamins or Amazon for these two mitochondria enhancing supplements. Jarrow’s is a good brand on either of these sites.
"In humans, in one double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in Japan in 2007, supplementation with 20 mg per day of PQQ resulted in improvements on tests of higher cognitive function in a group of 71 middle-aged and elderly people aged between 40-70, who outperformed the placebo group by more than twofold in their standardized memory tests.[18]Interestingly, co-administration of the unrelated compound coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) further improved performance on standardized memory tests when subjects also took 300 mg per day of CoQ10. No adverse effects were linked to the supplementation, and the results suggested that PQQ, especially when combined with CoQ10, can be used to improve mental status and quality of life in older patients, and help slow or prevent age-related cognitive decline in middle-age patients.
However, the study was not peer-reviewed and was published in a non-academic journal. No proper scientific study of PQQ effects on memory or cognition in humans has been conducted, as of 2013."

First Effects: You could likely be tired after the first dose for 2 to 24 hours. Normally it lasts around an hour. This is true as long as you do not begin with a dose higher than the recommended starting dose. Bedtime is terrific time to use the LED array; it puts the tiredness to work. Take the mitochondria enhancing agents first thing in the morning. Future sessions may make you a little bit tired but this is NOT the norm. It is associated with longer then recommended starting doses. The results build over time; give it a few weeks to reach heightening effects.

Here is a quote from http://www.gwern.net/LLLT:
“…it is widely reported among people trying out LLLT that after the first application of the LEDs to the head, one feels weirdly tired for around an hour. I felt this myself upon trying, several people report it in the Lostfalco thread, and an acquaintance of mine who had never seen the Lostfalco thread and had tried out LLLT a year before I first heard of it mentioned he had felt the same exact thing. This feeling seems to go away after the first time, but perhaps it just becomes weaker?”

There are many additions to this Protocol such as Shilajit, Pregnenolone, Creatine, & D-Ribose possibly in Bulletproof coffee. Glutathione or Oxaloacetate is a great idea for mitochondrial cleanup. J

Quote: (also a decent article/ad* :/ )
"Supplemental coenzyme Q10 blocks mitochondrial aging, while PQQ triggers the creation of new mitochondria. In addition, shilajit works synergistically with CoQ10, replenishing its electrons and prolonging its antioxidative effectiveness.
Taken together, CoQ10 and PQQ and shilajit offer a potent program to inhibit? And reverse? The intensely destructive cycle that is believed to be a root source of aging!"

Suggested Research from Lostfalco’s Profile Page the Creator of TULIP (this is copy paste) see link for full detail.

A video I made a while back when I first began TULIP. I do look a little awkward…
“Read these before beginning AND/OR while self-experimenting:
1. Synaptic Mitochondria/ATP article http://www.ninds.nih...ia_07252013.htm Entire article http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3757511/
2. Low Level Laser Therapy article by Francisco Gonzalez-Lima 
3. Mitochondrial Enhancement article (pg. 1-3) by Michael Downey 
4. LED dosing and expectations by Margaret Naeser (2 Case Reports) 
5. The Machinery of Life by David Goodsell 
6. Life's Ratchet by Peter Hoffmann 
Highly Recommended Supplemental Reading (without endorsing EVERYTHING within):
Minding My Mitochondria: 
Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life: 
Oxygen: The Molecule That Made the World 
Life Ascending 
Cosmic Evolution: 

Future Experimental Directions: A ton! (will update more soon)
1. Happy CIL-TULIP: Mr. Happy's Stack + Abelard's CILTEP + TULIP
Abelard’s CILTEP: 
Happy Stack: 
Happy Stack Reddit: 
TULIP Main Threadhttp://www.longecity...s/page__st__780
TULIP Experiences: http://www.longecity...uantified-self/
TULIP Research: 
TULIP Stack: 

2. Neurofeedback
Opaque: NeurOptimal 
Me: nIR HEG 

3. Hypoxic Tent/Endogenous EPO production

Cosmic Evolution with Harvard Course Syllabus

Einstein and Photoelectrons

Interview with Harvard Astrophysics Professor Eric Chaisson


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