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Q's Nootropic Stack last updated on June/14/2016

Below is my most up to date nootropic stack and below that is a list of helpful resources, links to awesome forum threads and other info I find interesting and worth sharing (always a work in progress here).

A Few of the Things I Practice & Consume in the Pursuit of Being A Better Me

First let me lay down a few disclaimers.

1.)    I am NOT a Dr., expert or scientist. All and any decisions you make with this information are strictly and completely your exclusive responsibility. With that aside, I do hope you find this information helpful and utilize it wisely.

2.)    The Stack is always under constant revision and my under my personal scrutiny but this revision. A good portion of the items below I do intend, so far that is, to be practice for life: dosages, varying cycling, swapping for superior form or complex of etc. may and will likely happen.

All is Goldilocks. Let Food by thy Medicine & Medicine be thy Food.

A QUICK Run Down of the Diet

The diet is my own personal take of the BulletProof Diet & a few very good books 12. Basically zealously avoided are Gluten, Casein, White Sugar, Most Sweeteners, Unhealthy/Refined Oils, BHT / BHA, MSG, EMF’s (where possible), onions, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes (except Sweet potatoes) and lentils etc. Each one has a quite the noticeable negative impact on my cognition and overall performance. Just an early warning going completely “Bulletproof” / Advanced Paleo Diet requires much work, dedication, withdrawals (primarily sugar here) and can be expensive.
The cost of the diet can work out to be about the same as ones current monthly grocery bill. That is if one buys in bulk, going to need a bigger freezer, sourcing, best price & Quality, preparing foods in the simplest & healthiest way (eating to live not the other way around). Avoiding complex recipes; keeping things simple. In addition, from not spending so much money on snack foods and sugary beverages! Those dollar bills add up. Intermittent Fasting can also help and is good for most people: longevity, ketones, increasing intelligence, and resilient both mentally and physically.

Also worth mention is that I only drink spring water, well water (tested), & reverse osmosis or spring water. Very vigilant on getting all Bromine & Fluoride out of my diet 100%. 


A Bit About the Stack

Meditation – This is a pretty big thing in its self! 20min a day. One of the first things I do to start my day and I do practice visualizing my goals and ambitions. Then on to Release Mediation

Iodine –  HERE is an article I have written over the topic and a Video. There is too much to explain in a paragraph. However, if I had to I would say, one of the most powerful, safe*, effective and cheap nootropics out there. Nevertheless, do read the article because with this supplement you do want to get right.

Multivitamin – I am using Adams multivitamin currently. I find it to have the enough of the right, nutrients, forms and amounts for what u can find that I feel confident listing it. Multivitamins are not all created equal!
LED’s & Lasers (TULIP) – Lostfalco take us away also here. There is a TON of information in these threads it may take a “while” to shift though it all. To give a very overly simplified broad over view of just TULIP, it is just firing lasers and/or LED’s, with the bandwidths in the infrared range (common: 608nm, 660nm, 850nm), into ones skull (also can be used on the rest of the body avoid the Heart!). This is done while taking a few supplements to synergistically work the lasers/LED’s to upgrade (epigenetically?), create more, smaller and efficient mitochondria. In a sense, it is a work out for your brain, very much, like how one would build muscle; use it or lose it.

D-Ribose + Dextrose – A addition to TULIP from Lostfalco the creator. I toss it into my BulletProof Coffee. D-Ribose is a carb that is used in the process of creating ATP. The use is based on Dr. Dean's recommendations. It is nonessential TULIP but I had it laying around already and its cheap enough that why not. 

Phosphatidylserine (PS) – Essential component to cell membranes helps with memory significantly. Not essential to stack but I like it personally for what it does.

Vitamin E – A part of Mr Happys Stack and recommended additional addition to stack. Invaluable for membrane health & antioxidant properties of cells. Go in hand with what Uridine and Omega 3 oils are working on. Besides who does not like things of three?
C60-OO– Possibly the best Longevity compound/mixture found yet (for another also see David Sinclair Strikes Again). That is if the study can be replicated then carried over to humans if successful with a different dosing scheme, fasting, oil quality, etc. Too many questions and variables here. Oh and the theories’ for C60 deserve a looksee. Eagerly await I the results of the C60@home studies among others. Working on an article for this supplement, will link soon.
NAC or Glutathione – are both antioxidants. The body makes Glutathione utilizing NAC. The reason for taking either of the two is to fight the possible depletion of Glutathione brought about by C60 (theoretical). This is only a theory based on the limited scientific literature available on C60 and personal observations of people taking the compound. (Seems to help with a bit of fatigue caused by C60). I find it has much merit and my gut says it is right (and this gut feeling is based on my nonscientific/professional background so do proceed with caution and plenty of salt). Although even if the theory is wrong, fully or partially, NAC and Glutathione are both very good for one and would likely continue them if I ever discontinued C60 + Olive Oil (unlikely   ). NAC is far cheaper than Bulletproof Glutathione and nearly as effect if not equal at beating the side effects of C60oo depending on the dosage.

Max DHA – part of Mr Happy’s stack and it is good for you even standing alone. I choose this product do to its Omega 3 content and ratio to EPA (560mg to 100mg) plus it’s capsulated for connivance. A good non-contaminated source is highly recommended if you choose fish oil as your origin of omega 3’s. The reason for cycling mentioned below is that I have noticed slower wound healing while ingesting high omega 3 oils. As have others and not just with fish oil but PPC see. Likely explanation: Fish oil is immunosuppressive and it is likely bringing about an anti-inflammatory response due to this. This would slow down wound healing. For wound healing to take (quickly) place, it requires a strong, local inflammatory response by the body.

Lion’s Mane – for the NGF & “possibly BDNF” increasing properties. Definitely full cognitive booster! It does take time for it to build, about a month for most. The only worries on it that I have is TrkA down regulation caused by the increase in NGF may and likely is an issue which is one of the reasons I cycle this herb and keep the dosage low for safety’s sake, only 1-2g four days a week. Other than that, I see no negatives and its effects are amazing! Takes a month for most to come aware of what it is doing. The heightened effects kick in around 4-8m. The effects are accumulative and build slowly upon themselves. Everything is improved on some level it would appear. Strongest for me being: Verbal fluency, memory, and awareness of what is going around me and in my head ie improved self-awareness plus anxiolytic. One side effect is this and I have noted it as well is this: “Day Resets”. A quote from abelard Lindsay “The problem I get with Lion's Mane, and why I don't take it that often, is "Day Resets". They are pretty harmless but a bit psychologically disconcerting. Basically what happens is that on days that I take Lion's Mane it feels like the day lasts for a week with various parts of the day seeming like completely separate days.” See post here. For myself the day resets didn’t seem long but the days did seem a lot longer. I suggest using Lions Mane on your days off or while working on projects you feel like you could use more time with.

BulletProof Coffee – 
Dave Apery’s site for full detail. This is an amazing nootropic food and a worthwhile complete breakfast (toss in raw pasteurized egg yolks). For me personally, as with most people experiences with it, quills hunger up to six hours, improves focus, concentration and provides a nice smooth energy with no associated crash. The caffeine content is lower than many of the name brands out there and do use a real blender or hand blender. The emulsification of the oils, MCT and Butter is important for absorption and vital for the max effect. Myself I prefer Turkish serve and Dave the poor-over method. FOR INFO on MCT/or Octane oil, butter and the coffee do see Dave’s website. 

Upgraded Collagen – Dave again 
SEE. Taken for its fast tissue repairing properties, skin, brain and sleep health. My favorite protein.

Vanilla – Vanilla contains Vanilloids, which have super anti-inflammatory properties in the brain. Dave again once more SEE

Raw Pasture Eggs – I put two of these in my BulletProof coffee most days. I do its for the high nutrient density. Everything u need to make a baby chicken from start to finish in in an egg. The source and quality of your eggs is important, price is often a good indicator here. Yes I do pasteurize my eggs.

Uridine – UMP (Uridine 5'-monophosphate disodium salt) and/or TAU (Triacetyluridine) both provide nice cognitive boots with UMP being more noticeable, stronger and immediate but short lived “feel”. Whereas TUA is weaker in these same regards and lasting longer. Both are great sources of Uridine. However, I do prefer UMP to TUA. Also a can take both of them at the same time for best of both worlds. One not is NOT to take caffeine anywhere near this less u want to be excessively emotional and cry a lot more. In addition, start with a low dose say 50mg and work your way up to 250mg max. Too much can have wearing effects like fatigue. Where as to low will take a while longer for max results to build. All is goldilocks.

Coluracetam – High-affinity choline reuptake. Coluracetam provides a slight energy increase but its true power lies in its vision enhancement. “Enhancement” may, is, be too strong of a word there are many reviews on over its effects.

Aniracetam is taken on occasion for writing and creative aid.

MagTech – Contains superior forms of Magnesium: Mg T-Threonate (synaptic density), Mg Taurate (Neurotransmitter Balance), and Mg Glycinate (Sleep Quality).  Magnesium has over 300 interactions within the body. It is also helps to detox the body and many other functions vital to you being able to live. K Citrate (Potassium citrate) aids with the absorption of Mg and I do not get enough of it my diet to start with. Vitamin pills are low in it seeing that the recommend daily intake is 4700mg.
Things On my Stack That I am Still Working on Getting or Testing
-808nm Vetrolaser
-BF Vibration Plate
-Concentrated O2
-Hydrogen Water
One of my Favorite Quotes
"Its beauty is the beauty of his own mind. Its laws are the laws of his own mind. Nature then becomes to him the measure of his attainments. So much of nature as he is ignorant of, so much of his own mind does he not yet possess. And, in fine, the ancient precept, "Know thyself," and the modern precept, "Study nature," become at last one maxim."

This Stack is still very much and will always be a work in progress as well as am I in my nootropic journey.


-New & Note Worthy- (may want to skim the first two pages to get to the good stuff)

Diet- (Discussions can be found on TULIP thread [see below] and the BulletProof diet/forums. There is much more info but these are terrific starting points. Read the first review of Minding Mitochondria has many good points and break downs of the book but I suggest you read it [the most up to date version] for the full force of the information)

-CILTEP- Creator Abelard Lindsay. Long Term Memory Potentiation

-TULIP- Creator lostfalco: Stack Info Kept on Profile Page see a lot of my Diet comes from this (plus Bulletproof [see below]) and I have lostfalco to thank for showing this to me also the link is on his profile page. The first review/most popular of the book has much of the info summarized with some good advice (should still read the book to get the full picture). May I suggest also, that is if you venture into TULIP do read the martial (books, studies etc.) the information in them is invaluable in understanding what is happening and being attempted.
-Primary/Initial Thread-
-Secondary Threads-
-BF Forum-

-Mr Happy's Stack- Creator Mr Happy

-BulletProofness- Dave Asprey: Diet, Coffee, Sleep, Mind & Supplementation among much more.
STONGLY suggest one read through Dave's website. His tips and advice on diet, sleep, being healthy and pretty much everything there really does work; life changing actually to be a bit more precise. Of course I disagree with a few of his ideas and or put my own personal spin on things and you will to of course. Just give site a look over if you have time and wish to optimize your health and mind.

Here are a few related videos and links.

-Cerebrolysin Threads-
-IM and a bit of IV-

-C-60 (Carbon/Buckyballs) Threads-
A must read
SES Research is a good place to get your C-60 if wish you try this.
How to Make Buckyballs at Home

Links to Study PDF

-tDCS thread-

-CES Machine (for sleep as well as cognition, similar to tDCS)-
Not much gathered info so you will have find and sort through the scatted data. CES in mentioned a few times on BulletProof and lostfalco extensive nootropic experiment.

Here is one devise that I suggest buying
-Light & Sound Machine-
Not much gathered info so you will have find and sort through the scatted data. CES in mentioned a few times in Lostfalco extensive nootropic experiment thread if I recall correctly and by Dave Asprey. There is a good unit/version of this device on amazon , and also